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Use and maintenance of alloy soldering iron tips

2023-04-24(63) hits

Alloy soldering iron head is one of the consumable...

Alloy soldering iron head is one of the consumables with a large amount of usage when welding electronic products. Proper use and maintenance of soldering iron head can not only improve the service life of soldering iron head, but also improve welding quality, reduce the number of repairs, and reduce production costs.

1、 Before welding operation

Before conducting welding operations, the cleaning sponge must be moistened with water to remove excess water. Heat the soldering iron head, then scrub the tin eating area of the soldering iron head to ensure that the tin eating area of the soldering iron head is clean and free of oxides. If a non moist cleaning sponge is used, it can damage the tin eating area and result in not eating tin.

2、 During welding operations

When conducting welding operations, set the welding temperature first, as long as it can keep up with the temperature required for welding frequency. Try to use low-temperature welding as much as possible to ① prevent damage to the product ② extend its service life. When welding, it is necessary to regularly scrub the oxide in the tin eating area of the soldering iron head to ensure smooth eating and discharging of tin during welding.

3、 After welding operation

After completing the homework, first adjust the temperature to 250 ℃, clean the tin eating area of the soldering iron head, and then send new tin for protection before cutting off the power supply. (If using a non temperature controlled soldering iron, first unplug the power, then scrub the tin eating area, and send new tin for protection when the temperature drops to 250 ℃.)

4、 Precautions

1. Try to use low-temperature welding as much as possible. If the welding temperature reaches 450 ℃, its oxidation rate is more than twice that of 380 ℃, greatly shortening the service life of the soldering iron head.

2. When not in use, do not empty burn the soldering iron head. This will accelerate the oxidation rate of the tin eating area of the soldering iron head, cause oxidation blackening, make it difficult to eat tin, and shorten its service life.

3. The surface of the soldering iron head is coated with a special alloy electroplating layer. Do not use hard objects such as sandpaper or files to scrub the tin eating area of the soldering iron head.

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