
Nantong Huachuang Electronics Co, Ltd.


What is the appropriate soldering temperature for the soldering iron head of an automatic soldering machine?

2023-03-30(63) hits

The temperature of the soldering iron head of a ge...

The temperature of the soldering iron head of a general soldering machine is set to 380 degrees when soldering, due to the following reasons:

1、 380 degrees Celsius is the golden dividing point for soldering temperature, which can meet most spot welding temperature requirements and is currently the commonly set welding temperature for automatic soldering machines in the industry. Setting the soldering temperature too low can easily lead to insufficient melting of solder during the welding operation of the automatic soldering machine, resulting in poor soldering and false soldering. If the soldering temperature is set too high, it is easy to cause soldering problems such as dead gray and dull solder joints; Severe damage can affect the firmness of the solder pad.

2、 Accelerating the oxidation rate of the soldering iron head of the soldering machine can have many adverse effects if the soldering temperature is too high, among which high temperature is widely recognized in the industry, which can lead to an accelerated oxidation rate of the soldering iron head of the soldering machine. The oxidation rate of the soldering iron head at a soldering temperature of 420 degrees is twice that at 380 degrees.

3、 The corrosion of the soldering iron head in the high-temperature welding environment is intensified, the activity of flux is strengthened, and the stability of the coating at high temperature is reduced by several times. In addition, the acidification of flux makes the corrosion rate of the soldering iron head faster.

The combination of the above factors ultimately leads to the problem of the soldering iron head of the automatic soldering machine being easily damaged and replaced frequently during use; This not only increases the procurement cost of the soldering iron head of the soldering machine itself, but also increases the labor cost and capital cost when replacing the soldering iron head. In a word, a poor quality automatic soldering machine soldering iron head can cause a doubling of the cost of use.

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